A house is built with wood, bricks and nails. A home is built with Blood, Sweat and Tears. Love is what makes the effort of turning a house into a home worthwhile. My home improvements are dedicated to my wife, who makes each job, a joy.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

What's Love Got To Do With It?!

Have I told you lately that I love you? More importantly have I SHOWN you lately that I love you? And, what is love anyway?

I have been receiving an increasing number of emails that include words like "Send this on to 10 people and if you get it back it means that someone loves you!" Balderdash and Poppycock! What has that to do with love? I neither read nor respond to such missives. Any response to this emotionally loaded black-email, has no more to do with real love, than standing up in church in response to a challenge to 'prove that you know how to praise GOD" has to do with a real relationship with GOD.

Love is not the childish emotion portrayed on TV and in the movies. Love is a mature, conscious, committed, act of will that results in the one who bears and gives love always seeking the higher good of the loved one. Let's briefly look at what that means.
Mature means that love is rationally considered and the result of an adult decision made in awareness of it's potential consequences. Love is too important for the immature or for kids. Take that Madison Avenue!

Conscious means that love is not an accident. One does not fall in love, one walks into real love with their eyes wide open. It is however, possible and easy to fall into LUST. Lust and Love may be seen together and are easily confused, but lust looks out for self first.

A commitment is a promise to do something, and to keep on doing it, even though the feelings that led to the promise may have ebbed and even though no one else may see you doing what you said you would do. Or no one may see you not doing what you promised that you would do.

An act of will is a deliberate and wilful act that follows from the above. It is the result of will power. It is not sustained by feelings that may change from day to day or over time. It does not rely upon fickle emotions or emotionally inspired promises. It does not depend upon the actions or activities of others, nor upon the well-being of oneself. It is a determination that *I will love you, no matter what happens." It is the true meaning of the vow, "For Better or for Worse."

Seeking the higher good of the loved one is an ongoing challenge. The decisions we make reflect what we really are. One that truly loves, will consider the results of their every action upon their loved ones. Actions that will fail to advance the good of the loved one will not be taken, even though they may do no immediate harm. Thus a man that loves his family, will forgo revenge for a perceived sleight, if such revenge may result in harm to his family. A woman that loves her children may forgo getting a new luxury if that luxury would result in her having to damage her family through her absence. The father that loves his son, will chastise him. A loving friend will correct when appropriate. Doing the right thing by someone is a meaningful declaration and display of love.
There are a host of other attributes of love defined in the Bible, but a summation may be made by recognizing that God is Love; therefore, every positive aspect of God is mirrored in true and Godly love. The nature of real love is too important to be left to definition by chance or by those without a clue.
All I am saying is try real love, it works. Now; If you wish to pass this along, feel free.

Better yet, pass the love!

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