A house is built with wood, bricks and nails. A home is built with Blood, Sweat and Tears. Love is what makes the effort of turning a house into a home worthwhile. My home improvements are dedicated to my wife, who makes each job, a joy.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

What's Brown and Down and Dead All Over?

No, No, No, it's not the Obama campaign!

I think that I,
May never see,
A thing as dead,
As my new tree....

This was a result of the severe Texas thunderstorm Tuesday of this week. Now for my 'Yankee' friends, this seems to be the typical Texas weather event, lot's of 'sturm und drang', but two days later it's 70 degrees. The creeks have gone down and unless you were flooded it does not even seem as if we had a storm. The storm was pretty exciting though, people have reported that they saw Noah, looking for a bigger boat!

This 'live oak tree' (now obviously a misnomer) was planted in October. It didn't survive the storm winds but, it also appears to have died over the winter as there was no evidence that roots had grown at all since being planted. Fortunately the tree did not damage anything and it had a guarantee so it will be replaced by the nursery. I may use this as an opportunity to plant a magnolia tree.

In your storms, may your trees bend but not break.

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