A house is built with wood, bricks and nails. A home is built with Blood, Sweat and Tears. Love is what makes the effort of turning a house into a home worthwhile. My home improvements are dedicated to my wife, who makes each job, a joy.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

2007 - First Christmas at Home!

Hanging Christmas decorations in a tee shirt and shorts is definitely a treat for someone from Illinois. The grass is still green and the sky is a perfect blue!

Poinsettias say Christmas everywhere. So we started out with quite a few plants but we gave them away to visitors over the holidays. Here is a survivor in the foyer.

Wow, this was a blast! When we moved I threw away our artificial tree thinking, "Why carry a tree 1000 miles when its old and will need to be replaced anyway." I did not know that I also threw away about half of our decorations, so we did a little scurrying to buy both a tree and some ornaments. Even a few days after Thanksgiving, many of the stores were out of the trees that we liked. We had not noticed Christmas sneaking up as it was just too warm. Here is our tree in a corner of the Great Room. My wife and I enjoyed Christmas and we had my mother, my brother and his wife over almost around the clock beginning on Christmas Eve.

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